Understanding the role of slipper socks in patient safety

Patient safety is a priority, whether it is in an inpatient setting, or after being discharged. Implementing safety procedures looks different for every patient, depending on their age, health, and mobility, amongst other factors.
A simple and effective option for improving patient safety is to use slipper socks with grips for all patients. We explore the ways in which non-slip socks can reduce the risk of falls, as well as provide the patient with a sense of independence and confidence.
Inpatient falls
Preventing harm to a patient and addressing potential hazards is vital. Inpatient falls can occur as a result of poor vision, a lack of mobility, delirium, and other health related factors. Patients with frailties and medical conditions are at a higher risk of falls, and require prevention tools and education to ensure their safety.
From the National Audit of Inpatient Falls – “In 2022, 2,033 people sustained a femoral fracture as an inpatient; 1,669 (82%) were due to a fall and included as cases in the National Audit of Inpatient Falls.” Falls in hospital can have serious implications, both physically and mentally. A fall may also impact the patients confidence, lengthening their recovery time.
A Government report on falls tells us that falls in hospitals are the most commonly reported patient safety incident with more than 240,000 reported in acute hospitals and mental health trusts in England and Wales. This highlights the importance of finding simple solutions that work for different types of patients, like slipper socks with grips.
Deconditioning from prolonged bed rest can cause a myriad of physical and mental health problems. To prevent this, movement by patients is encouraged. However, this can be an incredibly daunting task, and many patients require some form of support to get up and get moving.
This support could be with their mobility, as movement after a long period of bed rest is a tough physical challenge. In some cases, support may need to be emotional. If a patient has experienced a painful injury or surgery for example, the thought of becoming independent again could be frightening.
For these reasons, movement is encouraged as soon as the patient is able. The longer a patient remains on bedrest unnecessarily, the more of a challenge they face in returning to their usual routine.
Non-slip socks are one simple way to encourage movement in those with the ability to stand and walk. Using these socks can make going tasks like going to the bathroom more accessible, and encourages patients to stand, get themselves dressed, and take a short walk where possible.
From the NHS, “In the first seven days of admission, inpatients have reduced muscle strength by up to 10%, reduced circulation by up to 25% and reduced dignity, quality, confidence, independence and choice.”
Slipper socks with grips are a cost-effective way to improve the patients overall wellbeing and confidence whilst in hospital.
The role of non-slip socks
Non slip socks are an easy way to reduce the risk of inpatient falls. As patients in hospital are more likely to struggle with their mobility, they face a higher risk of falls when participating in simple tasks like walking to the bathroom. If a patient is elderly, this risk increases.
Slipper socks with grips on both sides ensure that the patient remains protected if the sock moves or twists. They can provide the confidence a patient needs to be more physically active, improve their quality of life, and encourage a quicker recovery.
For hospitals, there is a wider selection of non-slip socks available to suit the needs of all types of patients. For those with more risk factors for falls, bright yellow falls prevention socks may be used. They act as a visual indicator of patients who require more support with their movement.
Below are some of the slipper socks with grips available at Interweave:
Non-slip socks are a popular product at Interweave, both with home users and care facilities. Take a look at what our customers think about their slipper socks.
“Have bought this product previously and was very satisfied. As I needed some more, I had no hesitation to order them again.”
“Took some finding, I tried many types of socks before finding yours, never looked back! Tell the doctors surgeries about your products, we asked the nurses and they could not help us to get what we needed…”
“Great service, quick delivery. These socks gave me confidence to walk around the house with crutches after I broke my leg.”
“For my relative in a care home. Has problems with shoes, these help with his mobility. Socks very grippy…”
“The socks were for my mother in-law who is 87 and is still mobile, as we have wooden flooring, the socks give her the confidence she needs to walk on such floors.”
Purchase non-slip socks
Customers purchase our non-slip socks for a variety of reasons. For home care after hospital discharge, for elderly care facilities, and for use on hospital wards. Whatever your sock requirements are, we can supply different sizes and quantities to support your needs.
Purchase small quantities online, or contact our helpful Customer Services team for larger orders.