Interweave donates slipper socks to Butterwick Hospice

Last year, we took part in an incredible initiative put together by Lesley, and the team at Butterwick Hospice. The initiative involved creating “comfort bags” for hospice residents, comprising of useful items that patients and relatives would find beneficial.
Our contribution was our non-slip hospital socks. They provide stability and a sense of confidence when walking to those who struggle with their mobility. This is particularly important to those in hospice care, encouraging patients to take part in activities they enjoy, and socialise with those they care about.
We are proud to be a part of such a beneficial project, and to work with inspiring individuals. Read more about Butterwick Hospice, and the origin story behind the “comfort bags” initiative.
Butterwick Hospice
The Butterwick Hospice was opened in 1984 following the pioneering work of its founder Mary Butterwick. In 1979 Mary’s husband John was diagnosed with cancer and two weeks later he died. Following his diagnosis Mary was told to go home and forget about John as there was nothing she could do. At such a dreadful time in her life and with four children to care for she was offered no guidance, no support and nowhere to go to ask the many questions she had.
Following John’s sad death Mary was convinced there had to be a better more caring and compassionate way for patients and their loved ones to experience serious illness and eventually loss of life. In January 1984 after Mary sold the family home to kick-start the finances needed Mary opened the first day hospice in Stockton.
The hospice has continued to grow and develop on those foundations and today it offers palliative and supportive care for those suffering life-limiting conditions, their families and loved ones. They provide an adult in-patient unit, a children and young adults unit, day care services, home services, complimentary therapy and bereavement and counselling support.
The whole team are dedicated, caring and compassionate with a strong belief that every moment counts and do whatever they can to make every day the best it can be, adding life to days when adding days to life is no longer possible.
Learn more about Butterwick Hospice.
Where did the Comfort bags idea come from?
The idea to create comfort bags came from Lesley. In 2023, her husband Tony was a patient at Butterwick Hospice, after being diagnosed with cancer many years prior. During Tony’s stay at the Hospice, Lesley realised they didn’t’ have many key items that they needed to make his stay as comfortable as possible.
This made them reliant on relatives and hospice staff to supply them with things they needed. From here, Lesley found the inspiration to create comfort bags for future patients, so that they and their loved ones can focus on spending quality time together.
Tony’s story
Tony was diagnosed with cancer in 2015 and due to the fantastic advances in cancer treatments and a wonderful oncology team he lived well with it, despite it spreading to several places. He was determined to carry on doing the things he loved; spending time with his family and friends, DIY, gardening, ‘tinkering’ with his cars, cooking, holidaying and walking….. and he did! He also raised money for a cancer charity and became a patient ambassador and advocate giving hope and inspiration to others living with the same condition.
Sadly, in August 2023 Tony was admitted to hospital and knowing that there wasn’t anything else that could be done for him Tony wanted the end of his life to be spent with his closest family, for it to be pain-free and dignified. He didn’t want to die in hospital and wanted the last days of his life to be in the Butterwick Hospice. From the moment they walked in the door, Tony, his wife Lesley, and their family felt as though they had been wrapped in a huge comfort blanket of care and compassion.
Tony and his family spent 8 days in the hospice and Tony’s final wishes were granted. Not leaving his side and having gone straight from the hospital to the hospice Lesley realised they didn’t have everything that they needed.
Creating the comfort bags
Lesley, her sister, her Mam, and a few of her friends set about sewing bags and filling them with all the things they would have found useful – including some warm non-slip socks. They funded many of the items themselves, but Lesley contacted a range of businesses to see if they would be able to help.
Lesley and the rest of Team Tony have been ‘blown away’ by the generosity of people and The Butterwick Hospice and their patients and relatives are immensely grateful for the gift of the comfort bags. So far 25 bags have been completed and donated, sewing for the second batch of 25 is well underway and on track to be delivered in February. Team Tony have got their work cut out for some time to come.
We hope our slipper socks donation made a positive difference to the comfort of hospice patients. It is a privilege to be involved in this project, and we hope it becomes a long-standing tradition for Butterwick Hospice patients. We encourage other businesses to reach out and get involved in such a wonderful cause.
How can you help?
Getting involved with organisations who do incredible work to improve the lives of their community is vital to us at Interweave. Donations are just one way of supporting Butterwick Hospice, whether this be donating useful items or one of monetary value.
Here are a few ways you can get involved:
Donate funds, goods, and services
Spread the word – follow Butterwick Hospice on social media