20 year anniversary – 20 things we’ve learnt

Interweave is 20 years old. We’re a little way down the road. But with a parent company dating back to 1863, we have the benefit of the combined knowledge of running a textile company for more than 150 years.
Since our inception in 1999, we’ve learnt some valuable lessons on our journey so far that we’d like to share with you.
Be nice and expect nothing in return.
(But we love hearing how we’ve solved a problem for a customer)
A lot can happen in a year
(When we spend our combined 76,000 hours/year wisely)
Fill the team with positive people
Listen. Really listen
Never base a decision solely on financial gain
Consider any opportunity, even if it appears to be out of scope originally
Technology doesn’t have to be scary
Follow the three Rs: respect for self, respect for others, responsibility for your actions.
Communication is key – with customers, with suppliers & with ourselves
Processes must evolve to work
(Stop using the ones that aren’t efficient & redesign where needed)
When you realise you’ve made a mistake; take immediate steps to correct it.
Logging changes helps us to notice patterns
We can do little things every day to make positive changes
(To be more eco-friendly / a great place to work / more organised…)
Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.
Quality checking products is a vital part of customer service
Be stubborn about the goals, but flexible about the methods.
What we did yesterday won’t necessarily be good enough for tomorrow
Celebrate the successes, even the tiny ones
Embrace unhappy customers, listen, learn and fix.
(You might make a brand advocate)
Working in the health and care sector can be complicated.
(Read some helpful advice on our blog)
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